where is mesha and sephar today

Each dot (connected by a dotted line) reflects the confidence of an identification over the preceding ten years (e.g., the 2009 dot reflects scholarship from 2000 to 2009), and the corresponding solid line reflects a best-fit line for the identification. The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshek. Is a King who lived in 840 B.C. around the era of the narrative, they are backing the wrong horse. Genesis 11:1-4 KJV And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. black hair. The lands of Joktan are defined as extending from Mesha, "as you go toward Sephar, the mountain of the E" (Gen 10:30; writer's tr. 14 30', according to Ptolemy, the capital of the Sappharitae (), placed by him (6, 6, 25) near the Homeritae; but their accounts are obscure, and probably from hearsay. 10:30 And their dwelling was from Mesha, as you go unto Sephar a mount of the east. New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition, New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition. 18). These are the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, by their . 25 Eber was the father of two sonsone named Peleg, because the earth was divided during his life, and the other was named Joktan. Ophir and family lived initially in the border region of what we would identify today as Iran and Afghanistan. There are far more Christians that live in the Americas and in But, leaving this curious point, it remains to give what is known respecting Dhafari the seaport, or, as it will be more convenient to call it, after the usual pronunciation, Zafar. (a numbering). Zaphar, Yemen was not even founded until the second century B.C. These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations" (Genesis 10:23-31). In latter chapters, however, you will find there is a very good reason why these references begin to lead down this path of logic. ESV The territory in which they lived extended from Mesha in the direction of Sephar to the hill country of the east. Today, very few Muslims and Christians alike are aware of that Mecca - along with Medina - is explicitly mentioned by name in an early rabbinic translation of the Pentateuch. That is a 3-4 month round trip journey not three years. ), king of Moab in the ninth century b.c.e. Sephar [EBD] . What land is from antiquity, that which is before, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time, beginning? It also describes the ark landing at Flood peak on Day 150 meaning it landed on the tallest mountain (See Ch. The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country. The same is true of the Book of Jubilees as it has always been in constant circulation even as scripture in fact. Se'phar (Heb. Did Moses know where Moab was? Imagine, Noah and his sons built such a sophisticated supertanker that man has been unable to match it until recent times but with steel ships still not wood and especially not without nails. International Standard Bible Dictionary [35] does the same but picks a different word, Qafar, which sounds similar again but still in Saudi Arabia which we already proved, Joktan and his sons never lived near there. This is the same Hebrew word used to describe the region of the Garden of Eden in fact. He was tributary to Israel, his annual contribution consisting of 100,000 lambs and 100,000 rams. Confidences that cluster near or below 0% indicate low confidence. The name may remind us of Saphar, which the ancients mention as a chief place of South Arabia (Pliny, H.N. Genesis 10:30 KJV And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east (qedem: ). You will never find a Bible passage which indicates it was destroyed by the Flood but instead it even appears in prophecy in the last days. In the Marasid it is said, as we have seen, that frankincense (in the author's time) was found only in the "mountain of Dhafari;" and Niebuhr (Descr. Sephar = "a numbering" 1) a place in southern Arabia 5611 Cphar sef-awr' the same as 5610; Sephar, a place in Arabia:-Sephar. The other son was named Joktan. "Sephar" means a numbering. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. shulon east eden location Their territory stretched from Mesha, as you go toward Sfar, to the mountain in the east. U.S. wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock was asked a . There appears to be little doubt that the ancient seaport town called Dhafari or Zafari, and Dhafar or Zafar (now Jofar, i.e. ), says: "Dhafari is a celebrated city in the extremity of the country of the Yemen, between, Omau and Mirbat, on the shore of the sea of India: I have been informed of this by one who has seen it prosperous, abounding in good things. Read Genesis (WYC) Read Genesis 10:30 (WYC) in Parallel. Did Billy Graham speak to Marilyn Monroe about Jesus? They separated there and departed migrating to the East (qedem: ) [39] to Sephar or the land of the Garden of Eden. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (2003). 32 These are the clans of Noah's sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. James Strong and John McClintock; Haper and Brothers; NY; 1880. dated to about 150 B.C. "And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest toward Sephar, unto the mountain of the east." [JPS, 1917] However, the above passage according to the Judeo . And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. Their dwelling place was from Mesha till you come toward Sephar, the eastern hill country. Mesha, King of the land of Moab reigned in about 840 B.C. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the . All the rest were exiled to Now their settlement extended from Mesha going toward Sephar, the hill country of the east. That journey begins already in the next chapter and we have not proven our position yet but we will as you continue. and their dwelling is from Mesha, [in] thy coming towards Sephar, a mount of the east. When Enoch was escorted into the Garden, he replaced Adam as High Priest essentially. They lived in the territory that extended from Mesha in the direction of Sephar to the eastern hill country. Another is a coastal city in Mahra, on the Arabian Sea. border country, but is prob. In fact, that should require even more detail not this kind of discreditable banter. However, as you follow the evidence trail, the bread crumbs lead there and to not continue such path would be a shortcoming in logic. Their land goes from Mesha toward Sephar as far as the mountain ranges in the east. He renders the names in the passage in Latin but this will bring full clarity to the location of Mesha which is not in Moab, nor in Yemen/Saudi Arabia nor Ethiopia. Their dwelling extended from Mesha, as you go toward Sephar, the mountain of the east. des Arabes avant l'Islamisme (Ve Lettre, Journ. Ophir and his brothers, lived with the two sons of Eber (Hebrews), their father Joktan and their uncle Peleg in Meshad, Iran at the time of the Tower of Babel. 5 sons of Shem and their descendants. ii Kings 1:1). 31 These are the people from the family of Shem, arranged by families, languages, countries, and nations. If, with Mesha, we deduct half the reign of Ahab, the period is reduced to 23 years. One limit of the territory in which descendants of Joktan resided. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today. It is a specific place where the Tree of Life exists in the Garden of Eden and it will become known as Ophir. [39]. The sons of Shem: Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Eber's second son was Joktan. (And they lived in the hill country of the east, from Mesha unto Sephar.) The other Zafar stands on the coast in the district of Shichr, East of Chadramaut. The Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. When it is 1,400 years later, a different Hebrew word and associated with a territory known by a different name. Europe than in Asia. Genesis' so called Table of Nations lists Joktan and his descendants. It also is not Yemen, Saudi Arabia nor Ethiopia which are all horrible guesses in the wrong direction and fit no narrative of Ophir we have ever tested. Now, that is an amazing thought but not something we thought we could ever prove. There Solomon numbers the foreigners who help built the Temple, following the census satan had made David take (1 Chronicles 21:1). A mountainous district, the boundary of the descendants of Joktan (Gen. 10:30 30 And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east. locations and, from there migrated to other areas. Based on the scripture and Lastly, in the geographical dictionary called the Marasid, which is ascribed to Yakut, we read, s.v. We do not have to guess where Ophir nor his brother Sheba originated as at the time of the Tower of Babel, Ophir lived in Mesha and then, he and his brothers migrated to Sephar, the Mount of the East. The territory in which they lived extended from Mesha in the direction of Sephar, the hill country of the east. Gary Chapman's readers call his teaching relevant, helpful, simple, and effectiveand he brings this style to The Love Languages Devotional Bible. (It appears that Joktan was the ancestor of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All the Biblical information regarding this monarch is contained in 2 Kings 3. See Baumgarten, Theolog. Therefore, Sephar is not an abstract concept. p. 274), in long. Joktan was the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abima-el, Sheba, Ophir, Havi-lah, Jobab. As to the two fortresses, one of them is a fortress on the south of San'a, two days' journey from it, in the country of [the tribe of] Benu-Murad, and it is called Dhafari-l-Wadiyeyn [that is, of the Two Valleys]. It is near Esh-Shihr. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east. When one finds this land, they do in fact locate the Garden of Eden but we will prove that from multiple angles before finalizing in conclusion. Many read this passage in Genesis 10 as a mount of the East as if it is indistinct and impossible to identify and if that were the case, that may be true. Arphaxads second territory was essentially what we call Israel or formerly Canaan. 1903) And he (Enoch in the Garden) burnt the incense of the sanctuary, (even) sweet spices acceptable before YHWH on the Mount. There is no relation and that is not scholarship. Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: these are the sons which they had after the great flow of waters. Joktan had Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, and Jobaball sons of Joktan. 3, 4). se'-far: Only in Genesis 10:30 cepharah, "toward Sephar"), as the eastern limit of the territory of the sons of Yoktan (Joktan). [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was illuminate. Joktan's Descendants (Genesis 10:25-30): Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah, Jobab, dwelling between Mesha to Sephar a mountain of the east. Jan 1, 2020. This same religion from Babel will be the One World Religion which once again coalesces to fight Yahuah in vanity. These descendants of Joktan lived all the way from Mesha to the eastern hills of Sephar. If this be the case, and Mesha be (as usually supposed) the Mesene of the ancients, the line between them would intersect Arabia from northeast to southwest. Genesis 10:30 KJV And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east (qedem: ). me'-sha:(1) (mesha`; Codex Vaticanus, Marisa; Codex Alexandrinus, Marisas): Caleb's firstborn son, the father of Ziph, probably the ancestor of the Ziphites (1 Chronicles 2:42). They identify him as the Clan-father of all Arabs. These extracts show that the city of Dhafari near San'a was very little known to the writers, and that little only by tradition. We did not expect this. 30 They lived in the area between Mesha and Sephar in the hill country in the East. Niebuhr, however, mentions the ruins of Dhafari near Yerim, which would be those of the western city (Descr. it teaches us to live a better life with god so that we can live This was not the King of a territory called Mesha but a man named such and not even after the Genesis 10 land which is a different Hebrew word. Se'phar (Heb. Corrections? And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest up to Sephar, a mount of the East. In relation to it is called the onyx of Dhafari. From the similarity between the names of most of Yoktan's sons and the names of South Arabian towns or districts, it can hardly be doubted that Sephar is represented by the Arabic Qafar. The first four are on the seashore, and the last two at a small distance from it. Wellsted says of it, "Dofar is situated beneath a lofty mountain" (2, 453). Probably Dhafar (pronounced Zafar) or Dhafari (pronounced Zafari) in Hadramaut, part of Southern Arabia. The Book of Jubilees defines Noahs division of the earth between his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. He offered sacrifices on the Mount of the East which is located there and we will later find Adam, after exile, sacrificed gold, frankincense and myrrh on the same mountain which also protrudes out of the Garden. It is on a small peninsula lying between the ocean and a bay, and the port is on the land side of the town. These are Noahs descendants and notice as well, they migrated from the East not the Northwest from Turkey. Theophilus, who was sent with an embassy by order of the emperor Constantine to effect this purpose, was the first bishop (Caussin, 1, 111 sq.). Shem descendants are from the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob And their moshav (dwelling) was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar har hakedem. Blog. "And their dwelling was from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east." (Genesis 10:30) The Joktanites occupied the southwestern portion of the peninsula of Arabia. Of course, Canaan received a second curse for this behavior, this time from his father Ham and brothers. The immigration of the Joktanites was probably from west to east, SEE ARABIA; SEE MESHA, and they occupied the southwestern portion of the peninsula. The two cities are Dhafari-l-Hakl, near San'a, two days' journey from it on the south; and the Tubbaas used to abide there, and it is said that it is San'a [itself]. The second region is part of Aria adjoining to it. Aria is very easy to identify as Arya is the Old Persian name of what we call Iran today and its etymology still originates in Aryan. This first territory was located in Iran/Media/Persia and Flavius Josephus renders this the same as Arphaxad named the Arphaxadites, are now called Chaldeans. [30] We see these Chaldeans separate in Mesha where Joktans family migrated East to a territory called Sephar, a mount of the East. qedem: : [39] east, antiquity, front, that which is before, aforetime, ancient time, of old, earliest time, beginning, mount of the east, mount of the orient, eastward, to or toward the east. are in S Arabia, Arabian sites are usually suggested, for example Zafr in S Arabia or Safri in Bahrain. And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest toward Sephar, the mountain of the east. New Bible Dictionary (1996): Mesha. 3, 4), in 'Aden, and on the shores of the Persian Gulf. In the rainy season, which is in the spring, it is a gulf of sweet water at low tide, and of salt water at high tide. the name of a place and of three men, differently written in the Heb. This, however, furnishes no clue to the locality, the territory of that tribe being also unidentified.W. Genesis 10:21-31 American Standard Version (ASV) Shem had twenty-six descendants listed in the table of nations. And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east. The frequent recurrence of these variations is curious; but we need only here concern ourselves with the four first named places, and of these two only are important to the subject of this article. The lands of Joktan are defined as extending from Mesha, as you go toward Sephar, the mountain of the E (Gen 10:30; writers tr.). Therefore, the Bible says the ark could not have landed there (Map in Ch. Messq. The Book of Jubilees sheds light on this topic as it recounts Enoch was taken from among men and conducted into the Garden of Eden.

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