saturn in aquarius tarot

On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will 17 Virgo 03 00 R. Your brother is a Sun Sagittarius, so we start with that. What do i need to prepare for this in advance. You will find freedom, space and room to move at that time and dont be surprised if the last thing you expected, comes to pass. Thank you. Aesculapia Ops was Saturns wife and defeated him. February 16th: Sun 27 Aquarius conjunction Saturn 27 Aquarius It is a complicated story but I was very lucky to leave when I did. You do have to approach your goals in the right way and for the right Please I know you extremely busy responding to comments. Astrology does not have to be complicated. In turn, Virgo rules the Sixth House of service, duty, lifestyle, work ethic, mental and physical health. Same life stories floating around, same song, played by a different musician. Thank you. If you were born between February 6, 1991and January 8 1994, then you are beginning your Saturn return. You may get promoted. You are strongly Aquarian and supply groups, and have a circle of friends, or friendly faces. Woah!! People with Aquarius in their chart are given a great ability to envision ideas. A good way to deal with Saturn is to clear the decks (Robert Hands advice) before he enters a house. More thresholds and curbs. Overseas? Saturn hunkers down in communal Aquarius from Saturday, March 21 until July 1a preview of the cycle that resumes in December until March 2023. So what do you do? Congratulations! You may already have changed your life because of it but you might have to do so again. Saturn joins Neptune which is a huge change for you. You have grown up being locked out of situations, involving your parents, siblings and other relatives (cant get in, for whatever reason) or you have been locked into situations (cant get out, insurmountable obstacles and barriers). This three-year transit is already shaking up technology, society and community. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius and Virgo, two mutable signs (the other two are Pisces and Gemini). Thank you for another super interesting post, Jessica love the advice to clear the deck for the area that Saturn will occupy! Career. His Saturn is 7Leo. Saturn has been opposite Leo and the world has seen Charles III opposed by his own son Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan. Saturn rules lead. August 27th: Sun 3 Virgo opposition Saturn 3 Pisces The Bubonic Plague spread through fleas, but also the air. 11 Aquarius 34 20 Libra 14 38 Twenty-three people were killed on May 25, 1917, by a tornado that I have Saturn in Libra and with this change how it will impact me and my family If you can share your thoughts it would be great !! The Paris Opera Ballet and the Civil Rights Movement were visited by Saturn in astrology. Many thanks for your wise words and guidance. Virgo: Workload. There may also be far more personal reasons to alter your day-to-day approach. The faithful masses and those at the top. You will be quids in as early as June 2023 and start to see a much bigger picture for you, once you are halfway through the year. It may be gambling. Hi Jessica. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. Apollo in Libra is important as he is about combat as well as passion, and your Apollo Return will remind you that 2023-2024 is about balancing the scales. i was captured i m sure on video . Im sun leo with saturn in 1st house naral. 28 Libra 02 08 Restraints If so, Saint Valentines Day (February 14th) 2024, 2025, 2026 takes place with Saturn going backwards and forwards in your solar Seventh House of marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. It becomes more important, when tied into aspects to other factors. Had a terrible, terrible 2 preceding years with huge changes at work (2021) and a happy (still difficult) divorce (still going) in 2022. Hes watching a hypnotic video as I peruse your site. We are going to see global limitations and restrictions on health care and medical supplies in 2023, starting in March, and evident in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. Hi Jessica, I recently started following the Current Planetary Positions on your website. Hi Jessica At face value, this is a very positive development Saturn occupies his rulership in Aquarius and so his most positive traits come to the fore. We cant change Saturn or his name. This is very much the housework, paid work, unpaid work or study that requires daily attention, but also your health on every level and how it affects your ability to be of service and do your duty, as in astrology we do not separate the maid of all work from her wellness, or otherwise. Virgo is the archetype of the unmarried daughter who stays at home and does the housework, cooks and cleans and looks after the family if they are unwell. You are living your chart in quite a potent way. The wonderful website Cafe Astrology has a list of Saturn tables by zodiac sign. Studious and always self-developing, they reach their goals and comforts and immediately make new plans for the next thing. I wanted to ask about a recent healing modality I have experienced its a bit like cranio-sacral therapy, and I feel like it making sense for me, on a physical healing and intuitive level (Im a psychic medium but havent been working for a little while). Dear Jessica, thanks for the post! i have copied in his chart. How do you feel about them? If you set up barriers for others you will meet obstacles. August 1st: Mercury 5 Virgo opposition Saturn 5 Pisces Libra: Partnership. Then he stops. Many calculations have been made (financial, logistical) to make this jump and the retraining takes a lot of time, but I like the work. Best. You also have a Sagittarius stellium in the Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries as well as transiting Saturn about to enter your solar Ninth House. Thank you for your insights. I have Aquarius rising and its been a rough year socially and with family illness. Saturn brings heavy obstacles. May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. Joint Finances. Hows this Saturn weather going to affect that region and me? As threshing comes after reaping in farming, we can see how our ideas about Saturn come from centuries of astrologers making connections and observations. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. January 22 looks particularly significant for me with Chiron. Your posts about Saturn in Aquarius are so spot on Im a Leo sun/Aquarius rising, and I was shut out of a group/profession due to a disgruntled/retaliatory former partner in December 2020, and have been unemployed and working to get into a new career since. You have a past life where your religion produced a conflict with your health. If you have natal factors on these degrees in Pisces and/or Virgo then its personal. Pisces rules Christianity (the two fishes) but also the mysterious world of invisible reality in general, so Buddhism as much as Tarot. You two have karma and will proceed towards slow closure in 2023, 2024. I am a great fan of having readers look at Saturn and other archetypes through the lens of painting and sculpture from the Romans onwards as it often telegrams the meaning of the symbol. We need to find a new home before the baby is born in August. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. With Saturn, the more you know, the more research you do, the more questions you ask the better off you are. It is extremely important that you put your health first, near these dates, if you have factors at Virgo 1, 3, 5, 6 degrees. Town. Just as important as love is friendship. Ive outlined the most obvious patterns here; Ceres is about the need to make a deal with the universe or with the condition and accept life has its highs and lows; it is cyclical and winter and autumn can be rewarding too, if not in such an obvious way as spring or summer. This will be an issue your whole life. Hi Jessica, Watch and learn. You have the South Node, Diana and Descendant in Leo in the Fifth House of parenthood. What is your take on Yods? Taurus: Money. 37 The desire to heal and purify the world is present, but in a way that is more clinical and detached, and less attuned to the realities of living in the material world. April 6th 2025 to May 25th 2025 What happens in March and following means it will be necessary to have rules. I dont believe in luck or chance and do think its a predestined path but hope it would lighten up a bit. You also need to examine your subconscious mind. I have been reading your posts randomly since COVID and understood more about astrology, as I can relate more about whats happening around me from your articles. Boundaries Since Saturn is the slowest moving of all the visible planets, he spends the longest time in each sign by far, for which reason his ingressions into news signs are very big deals, and herald a lot of change and new developments. Good question. You got this! But i walked away from Vietnam protests cause i thought change had to start with self. Thanks to your husbands chart, you will be delighted with the new home you choose, from May 2023 to May 2024, when you realise you have more to enjoy than you first thought. The statue of the god in the Temple of Saturn had his legs and feet covered with bands of wool which were removed only on December 17th, the day of theSaturnalia. The famous learning experiences of Saturn come from being obstructed. Be a total realist about travel and travellers, for example. This dovetails with what I am seeing with courtship, the bedroom, parenthood, or other peoples children so the late Twenties are quite remarkable. I got married 6 Mo before my Saturn return. What is your view of Saturn leaving a sign (Aquarius) but still remaining in the same house; using the unequal house system? Its hard to say without seeing a chart here, but it is possible you have Saturn in Leo, or Saturn aspecting your Sun in Leo and so have never wanted children or found them in your life. This cover of Saturn, by Liz Greene, shows the scythe. You have been a monk who became ill after a plague visited the monastery. This has to be met with new rules, which will come naturally to you from March. I really hope it doesnt sleep through and you have time to answer it. Media. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: May 5: Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio. You will feel a bump. The other big ending is your four-year relationship. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! You may be called upon to nurse someone, just as you did before. As I alway go on about in my replies, my grandson has autism and its been a long hard road. So, for example, organising a family reunion. Ive had a very trying relationship with my employer of 13.5 years (a bit of a love/ hate relationship which at least had been more love for the last 4 years). I am certain Ive pulled that one for him before. A figure, organisation or experience redolent of Saturn may well appear in March. taki. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. ACN 644668431. During the Black Death it travelled on ships. The Virgo/Sixth House side of the pattern is about your workload and wellbeing. In your birth chart, Saturn by zodiac sign and house will show you where you experience this list of outcomes. In this episode, Adama also dives into the power of the Tarot with an eight-card collective spread channeling the energy of the year ahead, preparing us for the journey within the world and within ourselves in 2023. Religion and HIV/AIDS issues centred around condom use but also the, If you are a Premium Member, and youve not yet picked up your copy of. You could call it Saturn plus one. From July 2023 you enter one of the most important cycles for partnerships in 19 years as the South Node enters Libra. In March you will lose the barriers to friendship (the real thing) as all sorts of things change and you wake up to realise that you are around people who are quite powerful. It is about a revolution. Uranus is at 18 Virgo in the Sixth House, in opposition to all three. So be fully aware, in touch and in tune with who you are in 2023-2026, what you are doing and why you are doing it. A vision without manifestation is of no use but when the hard work of Saturn is applied to refine and perfect and implement the vision in the real world the two are a very powerful combination. On March 21st, Saturn will move into the sign of Aquarius, which means well all be reevaluating and revolutionizing the current structures of our lives. July 20th: Mars 6 Virgo opposition Saturn 6 Pisces Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. This will help to bring you back down to earth about what has been a long escape from the real world. thank you so much Jessica! His transits involve a great shattering of ones reality, and pivot away from whatever what in your life but not in line with the calling of your spirit. Cheers, Kate. I see my comment is still in the moderating phase. Happy New Year. In the 1990s it was about gay culture, but also any collective that united a wide range of people. Children. Is a conjunction a positive thing or negative thing in this case? I will also look at how he is going to function in his new sign of Pisces. We feel as if its Christmas in that area of life where Saturn has been standing. People with lots of planets or their ascendant in Scorpio or Taurus will have some of this, but not quite as much. However, you need more help and support. He is issuing new rules and people are leaving. I am working toward making big changes in my work direction (which seems like practically the same thing as changing my entire life) this year. From May 2023 you will be offered solutions and by May 2024 you may not only have fixed your Long Covid, you will also have a completely different way of living, eating, drinking, exercising, doing the housework and engaging in paid or unpaid work or study. Most famous for its rings, the planet Saturn is associated with the following words below similar to the idea of being ringed or encircled, in Rogets International Thesaurus. It ends. Will our land sale finally get going soon? The north fork rises in the southern part of Stafford County This is similar to giving up smoking or making condoms a part of your routine. I think I know what is going on or what theme this is taking. Saturn Return in Aquarius: Dates, Meaning, Lessons. The past two years there was so much pressure for me. Now, I am not for a minute suggesting you will become infected with Covid-19 just because you have factors at 24, 27, 29 Aquarius. Im learning so much from your blog. You will make or save a fair bit of money by May 2023 and relaunch your title, appearance and reputation at the same time, so this suggests a professional or business gain made using your relaunched image, or expenditure on your brand for other reasons. 05 The stretching, straining and compromising ends in July 2023 when the nodal opposition in Scorpio-Taurus also ends. Saturn will form a T-Square in transit to your Mercury-Saturn square so minimise the media, internet, publishing or educational projects and plans there so the stakes are lower. You turn your apartment into a cage. The other useful tip is to scrutinise who/what you commit to when Saturn makes the ingress in Pisces on March 8th and be a realist about who/what you take on. 37 Saturn entering Pisces has attracted 86 questions this morning so its obviously really important to you and others watching your charts as 2023 begins. Here, too, you have had Saturn in Aquarius opposing your Leo stellium since Christmas 2020. Virgo rules your lifestyle, daily eating and drinking habits, daily exercise, sleep hygiene, levels of mental health and so on. Jupiter in Aries in your solar Tenth House of success is about opportunity, expansion and improvement. When Saturn leaves, is there a reward for the hard work project and employment wise ? So a very common example is: people were forced to wear condoms, become monogamous, have AIDS tests before new relationships, stop smoking at work stop smoking, full stop. Your Saturn is in conjunction with Fortuna, trine Juno and aspects the North Node and South Node as well. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. Was that around the time REM released Losing My Religion? This placement wants to give back and change the world. The whole planet went through Saturn in Pisces, opposing the Uranus and Pluto in Virgo placements of an entire generation, on the last cycle. You have mentioned previously that as a Sun Pisces with an Aquarius and Pisces stellium, Im heading out of a difficult time with groups and friends (yay!) Yod, North Node in 10 Libra It also rules the subconscious mind, so hypnosis, therapy and counselling. Yet, having put up with him for a long time somewhere else, you may feel as the Romans did, on Saturnalia. 27 Virgo 12 58 Neptune in 8 Pisces I appreciate any guidance. Even if it is writing a novel that is never finished. You have escaped online, the way other people go scuba-diving or meditating. Saturn takes 29.5 years to orbit the Sun, spending about 2.46 years in each sign of the zodiac. DESC In astrology, you navigate successfully with knowledge. Short Journeys. For those who have lots of planetary energy in Gemini or Libra, this Saturn transit will be more overtly constructive. Take control of the situation and stand tall and proud. (If it doesnt, its because your past karma is catching up with you.) The financial, charity, property or business strain which is karmic in nature ends in July. When Saturn is in Aquarius Aquarian energy is humanitarian. It is full of boundless ideas about what will improve the lives of others, and how shared efforts can make the world a better place. As the 11th sign of the zodiac, Aquarius rules over the 11th House of Groups and Visions. I am a Sun Cancer can you tell be in what house is Saturn in until March and what house does it move into when Saturn moves into Pisces? I was in the Abortion caravan driving and feeling the grief across Canada but legalization came later. I am not for one moment suggesting this will personally affect you, but you need to know about the transit. With Saturn in Aquarius, the planet lies in the last of the Air signs. The new variant is extremely infectious and has become the dominant form of Covid in America. So balance is all. In May, Jupiter with all his opportunities, answers and rewards moves into this Sixth House sector of health and wellbeing and you will very quickly see a person or organisation which is a solution for you. He does have a stellium in Pisces to inlude NEPTUNE. All the best. for such an amazing and detailed report! Take your time, Tess, before you commit to foreign people or places from March 2023. She is the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating This Cosmic Rite of Passage, The Astrology Deck: Your Guide to the Meanings and Myths of the Cosmos, and Love Deck: 70 Cards to Ignite Attraction, Passion, and Romance. Years of relentless issues about work, unpaid work, academia end in March. Sun Leo? to who knows where. Theyd make so many to-do lists! Pluto in Capricorn has slowly opposed everything you have in Cancer in the Fourth House of family, home town, homeland, houses, apartments, gardens, relatives, ancestors, the household since 2008. It may be useful to go over your will again and update if youve not done that; just to clear your thoughts. Absolutely fascinating, thank you for your wonderful work. That can only happen every 19 years. Saturn in Aquarius is all about teaching us how to modify outdated systems, while still maintaining some form of boundary or structure. 04 Sagittarius 33 It will involve priests, nuns, vicars, rabbis and other religious people, perhaps. At it best, your Virgo side will give you a daily life you really enjoy, no matter if it is important work that you craft and perfect, for others, or a fresh food open air market. You may have a Roman Catholic background, or Jewish and so on. Blocks There is very likely to be a new partner from that time, if you want one. Since that time, Ive worked on becoming more loving, accepting, grateful, intuitive (without being overwhelmed), and attuned to the world around me; and am less inclined to beat my head on those brick walls. I feel all is well right now, however I am still curious about this somehow. The law is also associated with the Eighth House for obvious reasons. Thanks for a response, if you have time. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Its on that level. We can enter into heaven not to stay there, but to bring something back that will heal humanity and move our society forward. We may all need to release a great deal in order to achieve this, but we will be rewarded with a clearer vision of The Good and a humanity that works together as a collective, instead of the estranged individuals that we have become. Honestly, it arrived right on time. Same story told twice from two different angles. Psyche The answer, deep down, lies in your resistance to paid work, housework, study and unpaid work. You have mentioned this transit alot in our horoscope and appreciate what a big deal this is. I keep trying different options for re training , but again get blocked , Ive been trying to sell my house for months so thats financial pressure so that we are able to buy another one which is better and I am sure it will happen but seems to be a difficult path at the moment.

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