Principal Message

Principal Message

We believe in power of collaboration and the importance of developing schools who instil ambition and the desire in every member of staff and every young person to discover and achieve their personal best, overcoming any challenge they may face. The Trust is committed to the pursuit of excellence, with young people at the heart of everything we do and personal well-being prioritised at every stage. We believe in our selves. We believe in each other.


I am passionate about providing students with inspiring and safe places to learn, where they feel respected and where they are able to thrive and lead happy, healthy lives. We are responsible for tomorrow’s employees, employers, parents and future leaders and so here at KSPM we take very seriously the impact that we can have upon a local area building a community which supports today’s events and challenges the future.


While KSPM is a collaborative group of like-minded schools we have large aspirations and high expectations. Mechanism to identity appropriate school improvements strategies is our core focus and our Executive Leadership team works closely with school leaders to develop collaborative evaluation and development tools, common appraisal processes and opportunities for all staff to continue their professional development. KSPM believes it is there to serve the school-college, the staff and the students within it. We celebrate and promote the school-college’s earned autonomy and their own unique identity while establishing the ‘KSPM glue’ which helps bind all educational institutes together to achieve more. Our goals for the future while expanding KSPM in local area is to deliver outstanding education, to always recognise the rights of young people to lead happy and healthy lives where they are able to become responsible and active citizens, to be an employer of choice and to provide all our schools, colleges with a dynamic service provision which listens, understands and anticipates the needs of the people that are being served.


Prof.Bhalchandra Deshmukh M.A.Eng.B.Ed.
Karmveer College, Pune.
Coordinator, KSPM


Mr. Bhalchandra Deshmukh

CEO/ Principal,

Karmveer College, Pune